Marvelous Mom™
A dazzling gathering of pink and purple, this bouquet will delight all the marvelous moms in your life. Our florists artistically arrange farm-fresh roses, Asiatic lilies, and other blooms to create a gift that expresses your love and appreciation in a way words never could.
• All-around arrangement of pink roses and Asiatic lilies, purple dianthuses and limoniums, white snapdragons, baby’s-breath (gypsophila), and greenery
• Artistically designed in a clear glass vase; measures 12”H
• Large arrangement measures approximately 23”H x 18”W
• Medium arrangement measures approximately 22”H x 14”W
• Small arrangement measures approximately 21”H x 13”W
• Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors and varieties may vary due to local availability
• To ensure lasting beauty, Asiatic lilies may arrive in bud form and will fully bloom over the next few days
Order by 3:00 PM EST for same day pickup or delivery!
* Fee charged in addition to the Standard Delivery Fee
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